MAGApocalypse2025 – Bad News for the MAGArich

And now a word for you white Christian nationalists out there, who make up the cold, heretical, undead heart of the MAGA movement:

Repent ye your support for the Disciple of Mammon, the Prince of Lies. Hear the word of your Lord:

“The spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me (he has christ-ed me, he has messiah-ed me—both “christ” and “messiah” mean “anointed”; but maybe you knew that) . . . he has made me the christ to bring GOOD NEWS TO THE POOR”—NOT good news to other Pharisee billionaires and greedy corporations with his lavish tax cuts, deregulation, and corrupt rewards for their support.

Your Jesus defined his role as the christ/the messiah/the anointed one as the one sent by God to release the poor from their suffering, to cancel all their debts, to release from their service all who are working off their debts with their labor, to return families to their homes who have lost everything to foreclosure (Luke 4:18–19, quoting Isaiah 61:1–2 and invoking the Jubilee, the year that Yahweh favors, citing Leviticus 25).

You’ve lost the Way of Truth and Life, if you were ever on it. Certainly, the orange Mammon-lover never was. So answer the questions Jesus would be asking, and which he answered with his gospel:

Where are the proposals to expand Medicare and Medicaid, to protect Social Security, to cut taxes on the poor and the middle class, and to provide child care for working parents?

Where are the proposals for canceling student debt and returning us to meaningful usury laws that would hold credit card interest rates down to something humane? (Forgive our debts as we forgive our debtors. And yes, Jesus used the word for debt, not “sin” or “trespass”.)

Where are the proposals for building low-income housing so that young people, or anybody getting started, can begin to build some wealth for their family? Or so that the unhoused can have safe shelter again? (See Leviticus 25:10, which Jesus is invoking with Luke 4:19)

These things were Jesus’ priorities. By contrast, how does your false messiah define his role? (Hint: you will know him by his works.)

Why was the Orange Fraud Felon Assaulting Liable-Liar’s charity shut down by the Justice Department for lining his own pockets instead of helping others? Good christ-ing there, dude.

And: “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God!” (Matthew 19:24)

Or, to fit the saying to His Two-Facedness: It is easier for a golf cart to fall down into that hole in the middle of the ninth hole green than for His Mammon-ness to enter the Great Clubhouse in the Sky.

Or: “Go and sell all you have and give the money to the poor, and you will have riches in heaven.” (Matthew 19:21)

Go ahead: sell a handful of golf courses and hotels, fund low income housing construction, and work for Habitat Humanity like Jimmy Carter did.

Ha! Fat chance. See you in hell. Well, I won’t see you there myself, actually. But you know what I mean. Is that you singing, “Dip your fingers in the water, come and cool my tongue”?

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