I have been writing poetry since the late 1970s but have only tried to publish my work in the last few years, since retiring, with modest success. My poems have been published in more than two dozen journals and I have published four books of poetry. Follow the title links below to learn more about these books, and click here to learn my approach to poetics.

Dancing with the Moon

Dancing with the Moon: Poems of the Heart is a full-length collection of love poems under contract and development with Kelsay Books; it is due for release in the early summer of 2023. The poems follow a repeating spiral narrative, beginning with attraction, then connection, then joyful satisfaction, only to slip into contention, then loss and regret. But then the cycle renews, with new attraction and new connection, this time resolving into marriage—which then (naturally) also sees its troubles. But then this second cycle resolves into mature, reality-based fulfillment.
Learn more and read some of the poems.

The Road to Continental Heart: Befriending, and Defending, the Spirit of North America

The Road to Continental Heart is a hybrid book of poems, photographs, maps, and other elements published by Boyle and Dalton in 2022. The poems were written for a friend who walked across the country, one poem for each week of the nine-month walk. The book is an extended love poem to the landscapes of Turtle Island, an appeal for a renewed culture of place, and a celebration of friendship.
Learn more about the book, including how to get a copy.

Dancing Mockingbird

Dancing Mockingbird, a full-length book of nature poetry, was also published in 2022 by Kelsay Books.
Learn more about the book and read some of its poems.

O My Heart

O My Heart, a poetry chapbook of love poems, was published in 2022 by Moonstone Press.
Learn more.

More Poems

You can read other poems I’ve published here.